World all over without American n western countries technologies knowledge n the world today won't be as powerful as they are especially those Asian who studied n graduated from Western universities, those who are affordable n capable will definitely choose to go western universities no one can denied that , ask any western who will choose to go any other Asian countries universities.
黃仁勳 對美國 AI 發展 有貢獻. 但 美國 必須嚴防此人. 換句話說, 應把 黃仁勳 ❤ ❤ 列入 美國國安局 24 小時 嚴密監控名單, 以防其 暗助中國 背叛美國 出賣台灣, 摧毀台灣. 但卻不應滋擾其私生活.
Ha ha…toooooooo…late, DARPA n NSF both deeply invest in nVidia…Thanks n salute!
美國制裁中國 AI 晶片, 黃仁動 ❤ ❤ 無能為力 阻止 或減弱制裁. 他多年來, 企圖 AI 晶片 橫掃中國之夢 落空!❤ ❤ 他知 沒有政治影響力!此次 他回台灣最大目的, 就是要 建立自己的 政治影響力 😢 😢
World all over without American n western countries technologies knowledge n the world today won't be as powerful as they are especially those Asian who studied n graduated from Western universities, those who are affordable n capable will definitely choose to go western universities no one can denied that , ask any western who will choose to go any other Asian countries universities.
25年前的幾百通電話中的一通,成了這大新聞。 那些沒成新聞的電話又那去了???
有的公司倒了, 有的公司被合併, 有的公司被賣掉 ~ ! 這是電子業常態, 早上叫你打包, 中午後不准再進公司 ! 習慣就好 ~